
Golfers for Groups

Fun Center Amstelveen regularly hosts large groups from various companies, primary and secondary schools, children’s camps, extracurriculars, associations and childcare centers.

We offer professional golf programs to provide a fun introduction to the sport of golf. Many schools combine the golf program with our trampoline programs to offer a variety of extracurricular activities. Take here contact us for a free quote with a suitable program.

Company outing? Click here

Friday and Saturday Night Deals


Zondag t/m Donderdag: 11:00 – 18:00 uur
Vrijdag en Zaterdag: 11:00 – 22:00 uur*)

*) open tot 23.00 uur bij reserveringen van groepen met minimaal 10 personen
*) Buiten reguliere openingstijden op aanvraag!

Tijdens Vakanties:

Zondag t/m Donderdag: 10:00 – 18:00 uur
Vrijdag en Zaterdag: 10:00 – 22:00 uur

020 – 44 11 400

Fun Center Amstelveen

Langs de Werf 7
1185 XT Amstelveen-zuid



Kom Gezellig Langs: