
Karaoke singing during a group outing

Want to organize a fun group outing with karaoke? The team at Fun Center Amstelveen offers a complete package for you and your party, whether colleagues, friends, family members or schoolmates. Rent your own karaoke bar and sing along with the latest hits. We provide catering during the karaoke, so you enjoy the group outing carefree. Visit our all-in amusement center in Amstelveen for a great day out.

Interested in a group outing with karaoke?

Organizing the perfect group outing for you and your party with karaoke

Organize a fun day for you and your friends or colleagues at our indoor amusement center! Rent your own pub for singing karaoke during your group outing and get to know your company in a completely new way! Enjoy all-in our facilities, such as the restaurant and bar. Combine your karaoke party with our other activities and create your own ideal day during your group outing. Karaoke is the ideal activity for high school students .

Put together the ideal group outing

Book the perfect group outing today and go wild with your party during karaoke singing! Can't choose and want to combine our packages? At our location everything is possible! Enjoy the most fun activities and experience a day to remember.

Opening hours:

Zondag t/m Donderdag: 10:30– 18:00 uur 

Vrijdag en Zaterdag: 10:30– 22:00 uur

ALL NIGHT LONG start om 19:00tot 22:00 uur

Kerstavond tot 16.30 uur

1ste kerstdag 12.00 tot 17.00 uur

2de kerstdag van 12.00 tot 17.00 uur

Oudjaarsavond tot 17.00 uur

Nieuwjaarsdag 12.00 tot 17.00 uur

NB. Buiten reguliere openingstijden op aanvraag!

020 – 44 11 400

Fun Center Amstelveen

Langs de Werf 7
1185 XT Amstelveen-zuid

Come Along Cozy: