

Jumping is jumping on trampolines. Funcenter Amstelveen is known for more than 30 connected trampolines, tumbling track and foampit. The trampolines are for any level and any age from 5 years old.

Yes. Wearing Jumps socks is mandatory for everyone entering the trampolines, even if you are not actively Jumping. The reasons are safety and hygiene. Jumpsocks are available at the bar for €2 per pair in various sizes.

You jump best in comfortable sportswear. Put on clothes in which you can move smoothly and that have no buttons, zippers or sharp parts. Think sports outfit, sweatpants and T-shirt. Furthermore, you wear Jumps socks, you bring these from home or the obtain at the bar.

You are not allowed to bring your own food & drinks. But in our catering department, you will find an extensive selection.

No, not at any time. We work with time blocks of 1.5 hours. Time slots start at 10:30 a.m., noon, 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

If the parents/guardians do not go onto the trampoline field to join Jumping and lasergame, they also do not have to pay an entrance fee. Parents and supervisors are welcome to visit the catering area of our park, where they can have a view of the trampoline park while enjoying something to eat or drink.

Yes, we have the option of, changing in the locker rooms.
No, we do not have lockers.

For each reservation, when you make a reservation you reserve x number of spots on the trampoline. So that means there will be multiple people/groups on the trampoline.

Yes, the ground floor is wheelchair friendly.

You can make a reservation by phone and pay by pin or cash upon arrival.

All-In €15,50 are 1.5 hours the activities, the children’s party €21,- is an addition to the All-In package. For €21,- p.p. the kids get fries, a snack of their choice (chicken nuggets, cheese soufflé, frikandel), unlimited lemonade and a party table.

One session of laser game lasts 20 min including explanation and scoring. The game itself takes 12 min. We recommend a minimum age of 7 years. Children under the age of 7 may find laser tag to be exciting and scary.

This can be done within a block of time. The price for this is €15.50 p.p.

Contact information

Along the Wharf 7
1185 XT Amstelveen-south


Opening hours:

Zondag t/m Donderdag: 10:30– 18:00 uur 

Vrijdag en Zaterdag: 10:30– 22:00 uur

ALL NIGHT LONG start om 19:00tot 22:00 uur

Kerstavond tot 16.30 uur

1ste kerstdag 12.00 tot 17.00 uur

2de kerstdag van 12.00 tot 17.00 uur

Oudjaarsavond tot 17.00 uur

Nieuwjaarsdag 12.00 tot 17.00 uur

NB. Buiten reguliere openingstijden op aanvraag!

020 – 44 11 400

Fun Center Amstelveen

Along the Wharf 7
1185 XT Amstelveen-south

Come Along Cozy: