
Kids Sing Along

The Party Room is available for rent 7 days a week.

Singing Karaoke can be quite tricky, especially for children. Therefore, we have made it a little easier for the children. They sing along with the pop star, so to speak, and read the lyrics off the screen! You are guaranteed to have an awesome party!

It becomes complete when you combine your party with an hour of trampoline jumping at Jumpers Indoor‘s trampoline park

Kids Sing Along

Package of approximately 1.5 hours
  • 1 Hour Kids Sing Along
  • Party table 45 minutes
  • Unlimited Lemonade
  • French fries and a snack of your choice!

Jumping + Kids Sing Along

Package can approx 2.5 hours
  • 1 Hour Jumping
  • 1 Hour Kids Sing Along
  • Party table 45 minutes
  • Unlimited Lemonade
  • French fries and a snack of your choice!

Friday and Saturday Night Deals

On Friday and Saturday nights we are open until 9 p.m. We then have attractive deals for youth. Right now we have the combo deal 1 hour of jumping and 1 session of laser gaming for € 15.

Friday and Saturday Night Deals


Zondag t/m Donderdag: 11:00 – 18:00 uur
Vrijdag en Zaterdag: 11:00 – 22:00 uur*)

*) open tot 23.00 uur bij reserveringen van groepen met minimaal 10 personen
*) Buiten reguliere openingstijden op aanvraag!

Tijdens Vakanties:

Zondag t/m Donderdag: 10:00 – 18:00 uur
Vrijdag en Zaterdag: 10:00 – 22:00 uur

020 – 44 11 400

Fun Center Amstelveen

Langs de Werf 7
1185 XT Amstelveen-zuid



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